
Banbury Postiche - Driven by quality. We are proud to say that our business is fully ISO 9001 registered and audited and has maintained this for over 30 years.


Banbury Postiche is proud to have been chosen as the official training head supplier for UK Skills . Banbury Postiche prides itself on quality and service, and has had a long association with the competition. The heads and pieces have been specially chosen to give you outstanding results.

VAT relief for European Union registered businesses.

For returning customers... Please complete the form below

VAT Relief - Using an existing declaration

How to complete... If you have purchased zero-rate goods from us before, then you would have completed a Customs and Excise declaration form. At the top of your copy of the Declaration there is a Banbury Postiche reference number, formatted as XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, please enter it into the box below and click Proceed.

If you cannot find your form or reference number, don't worry, just complete a new application below, and we will do the rest.

Tax relief for International customers.
Tax relief for Disability or Serious Illness people .

For new applications... Please complete the form below

VAT Relief - Application on-line

How to complete... To apply a zero tax rate to your goods, you are required by Customs and Excise to complete a declaration stating that you are inside of the European Union and that you are a VAT registered business.

Please note that we use your email address in place of your signature.

Eligibility declaration by a European Union registered business.

Please note there are penalties for making false declarations

Customer Declaration

If you are in any doubt as to whether you are eligible to receive goods or services zero-rated for VAT you should consult the tax office before signing the declaration.

I declare that:

:: I am receiving goods from: Banbury Postiche Limited

the goods which are being supplied for use or resale outside of the United Kingdom.

and I claim relief from value added tax.

Signature - See note above.

* Required field.
What happens next... By proceeding our system will raise a declaration based on the details that you have completed in the form above. The declaration will be safely and securely stored in our files in case of a future tax inspection by Customs and Excise. A copy of the declaration will also be forwarded to your email address along with a unique reference for future use. Finally, all tax on qualifying goods will be deducted from your current order. Please note, postage does NOT qualify for zero-rate tax.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this document on-line.